Forza 5 horizon
Forza 5 horizon

Making the most of The Eliminator in Forza Horizon 5 You’ll find yourself off the pavement more than on it when you’re racing, especially when it comes down to the Final Showdown. Even though some of the better cars in The Eliminator are absolute bullets on the street, they’ll have a hard time driving over dirt. Grabbing the right kind of car - Simply put, always gravitate towards the offroad ready options when it comes to finding new cars around the map.

forza 5 horizon

Of course, you still have to look out for the other players in the process. Constantly shift between roadways and offroading to scope out as much of the safe zone as possible. That said, outside of populated areas, car drops will be very few and far between. Car drops are identified with large purple plumes of smoke.The best way to find them is to get a vantage point, which thankfully is all too easy in Forza Horizon 5’s very elevation-prone map of Mexico. So, again, keep on the lookout for structures around the map.

  • Find more spawn locations - Even if you do happen to score a car drop in the opening moments of the match, chances are it won’t be a high level car.
  • forza 5 horizon

    You at least want to get out of the VW Beetle that everyone starts with as soon as possible. There’s no “best” place to start because of the randomness.

    forza 5 horizon

    But, the more car drops in a given area, the more likely they’re going to be common/low-level. Very populated areas like the various Horizon Festival sites are likely to contain multiple drops at once, as well as cities like Guanajuato. They almost always spawn next to structures. These car drops are completely random, but there is some light consistency for where they’re likely to spawn. By starting in Guanajuato, I found a Car Drop literally in the first few seconds of the match.

    Forza 5 horizon